Export catalog of the Leningrad Region
Export catalog of the Leningrad Region
regional exporters and export-oriented companies

Virazh plus LLC

Virazh plus LLC is an export-oriented Leningrad region enterprise of the timber industry complex. Its main activity is production of high-quality sawn timber. It plans to start production of planed lumber and moldings in next few years.

Sales area: Russia, Estonia, Latvia
Russia, Leningrad Region, Lodeynoye Pole, Energetikov st., 6A
+7 (905) 279-79-17, Virazh.lp@yandex.ru
Export products
  • Lumber

    start of manufacturing
    20 employees

    enterprise staff amount
    10,000 sq. m

    annual production capacity
    "Best SMB enterprise"

    winner in the competition in 2016
    General information