Export catalog of the Leningrad Region
Export catalog of the Leningrad Region
regional exporters and export-oriented companies

Svir Pellets LLC

Svir Pellets LLC is one of the leading Russian producers and exporters of wood fuel pellets. Production facilities are located in Podporozhye city in the North-East of the Leningrad region. The company produces two types of wood pellets: household pellets (6 mm / 8 mm in diameter) and industrial pellets (8 mm in diameter). The products have several international certificates and fully comply with European and Russian quality standards.

Sales area: Russia, countries of Western and Central Europe, Scandinavia.
Russia, Leningrad Region, Podporozhye, Fizkulturnaya st., 34
+7 (81365) 22-110, sm@svirpellets.com

Export products
Fuelwood pellet

FSC, SBP, ENplus

start of manufacturing
25 employees

enterprise staff amount
50,000 tons

annual production capacity of the enterprise
Top 10

wood fuel pellet exporters (2013)
General information