Export catalog of the Leningrad Region
Export catalog of the Leningrad Region
regional exporters and export-oriented companies

GOTEK Severo-Zapad JSC

GOTEK Severo-Zapad JSC is one of the largest industrial enterprises of the Leningrad Region in terms of corrugated cardboard packaging manufacture.

The company was established as part of the geographical expansion strategy of GOTEK Group, a leading Russian company producing various materials packages. It aims at developing and manufacture high-quality packaging that meets the needs of customers operating in various industries.
Russia, Leningrad Region, Vsevolozhsk District,
der. Novosaratovka, 6A
+7 (812) 702-54-32, gotek-severozapad@gotek.ru

Export products
Corrugated cardboard package (boxes and cases)

    start of manufacturing
    270 employees

    enterprise staff amount
    300 000 sq.m per day

    corrugated cardboard production capacity
    40% of products

    complex multi-color boxes
    General information