Export catalog of the Leningrad Region
Export catalog of the Leningrad Region
regional exporters and export-oriented companies

Megapolis LLC

Megapolis LLC (part of AMIRA Group of Companies) is the Leningrad Region enterprise producing steel faceted poles and round conical poles, from 3 to 105 meters high. The plant develops lighting poles that can significantly reduce the cost of their operation - for example, folding poles that allow replacing lighting equipment without the use of special equipment. The products of the plant bear the quality mark "Made in Leningrad Region". In 2017, the company was awarded the first prize in the contest "The Best in Medium Business of Production Sphere".
Leningrad Region, Tosno District, Krasny Bor town, Promyshlennaya str., 12
+7 (812) 702-69-88, megapolis@amira.ru
Export products
  • Lighting poles
  • Metal structures

Certificate of constancy of performance 1922-CPR-0683

start of manufacturing
70 employees

enterprise staff amount

annual poles production capacity
Lightning conductor 90 m

manufactured by the company for installation in the Tyumen region
General information