Export catalog of the Leningrad Region
Export catalog of the Leningrad Region
regional exporters and export-oriented companies

Alexandrov Research Institute of Technology (NITI)

NITI (part of Rosatom) was established in 1962 as a state test site for shipboard nuclear power plants (NPP). During more than 50 years of work, NITI has become a major research center in the field of nuclear energy and today it is the only scientific and technological center in Russia for complex testing of transport NPPs, adjusting them on ground prototype stands to the required reliability and safety level.

Products released: inspection systems, radioactive waste management technologies, equipment for automated control systems, calculations means and methods, simulators, measuring tools (flow meters, level gauges), programming technologies.

Sales area: Russia, Belarus, China
Russia, Leningrad Region, Sosnovy Bor, Koporskoe highway, 72
+7 (813-69) 2-26-67, foton@niti.ru

Export products
  • Equipment for nuclear power plants radiation control automated system (control units, power control unit blocks)
  • Explosives detection unit

    start of manufacturing
    20 employees

    enterprise staff amount
    145 blocks

    manufactured for automated radiation monitoring systems in various nuclear facilities

    General information