Export catalog of the Leningrad Region
Export catalog of the Leningrad Region
regional exporters and export-oriented companies

Severnaya Krevetka LLC

Severnaya Krevetka LLC is the first shrimp farm in the Leningrad Region. Shrimps are grown in recirculating aquaculture system using energy-saving innovative technologies for distribution in restaurants, pubs, pizzerias, St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region retail chains, with the further development of its own fast food chain from 20 restaurants in St. Petersburg.
Russia, Leningrad Region Tosnensky district, massiv Telmana, uch. «Telman Center», № 78-83
+7 (981) 787-49-29, sergey.belkov71@gmail.com

Offered products
  • Whiteleg shrimp (live) VANNAMEI

    start of manufacturing
    50 employees

    enterprise staff amount
    200 tons

    annual production capacity

    General information