Export catalog of the Leningrad Region
Export catalog of the Leningrad Region
regional exporters and export-oriented companies

Rotan LLC

Rotan LLC specializes in the design and manufacture of motor inflatable vessels under its own trademark: twin-hull vessels / sea sleds. The products are in demand throughout Russia and among water recreation fans, geologists, rescuers, scientists, and military men. Model range: 3.8-5 m boats, 3.8-8.5 m twin-hull vessels, custom models – without restrictions.

Key features: high seaworthiness, survivability, stability, loading capacity, speed, profitability, low weight, compact package. Some models are equipped with a quick inflation system (QIS), which not only can deploy the boat, but also maintain the working pressure in the compartments with regard to a daily temperature drop, which allows to make long water travels at high speeds.

Sales area: Russia, Kazakhstan
Russia, Leningrad Region, Priozersky district, Romashki, Rotan factory
+7 (911) 110-14-16, nk@rotan.pro
Export products
  • Inflatable motor boats

    start of manufacturing
    20 employees

    enterprise staff amount
    78°N, 68°S

    extreme points of hikes on boats
    10,000 km

    the farthest delivery point
    General information