Export catalog of the Leningrad Region
Export catalog of the Leningrad Region
regional exporters and export-oriented companies

ENAC Svirskoe lace LLC

The enterprise of national art crafts "Svirskoe lace" LLC is a unique Leningrad region manufacturer of artistic hand-knitting products, made with hand-patterned knitting and crochet and openwork crocheting according to old ornaments saved in North-West Russia. The enterprise product range includes: tablecloths, shawls, napkins and other items crocheted of cotton and linen threads.

"Svirskoe lace" is a member of Association of folk arts and crafts of Russia, the winner of competition "Business recognition" as "The best enterprise in the sphere of folk arts and crafts of the Leningrad region". The company has a registered trademark and an official certificate "Made in the Leningrad region".
Russia, Leningrad region, Lodeynoye Pole, Karla Marksa, 40
+7 (813-64) 2-66-42, svirskoelace@mail.ru

Offered products
  • Products of art and hand knitting (tablecloths, shawls, napkins and other items crocheted from cotton and linen threads under the brand SVIRSKOY LACE)

the products of the enterprise in the Leningrad region are officially recognized as products of folk art crafts of actual artistic dignity

start of manufacturing
3 employees

enterprise staff amount
"Frigate" napkin

the product is included in the Register of the Russian national souvenir products
"Frigate "Standart"

the panel picture is recognized as the best tourist souvenir in the Leningrad region
General information