Export catalog of the Leningrad Region
Export catalog of the Leningrad Region
regional exporters and export-oriented companies

Managing company KeraMir LLC

The KeraMir group of companies specializes in production and sale of ceramic tiles under the trademarks AZORI and Eletto Ceramica. The production complex includes enterprises for the production of ceramic tiles, decorative elements (borders, decors and panels), as well as logistics companies. A powerful production facility is fitted with advanced equipment of Italian and German manufacturers.

An integrated training and production management system has been implemented. Products are manufactured on two SACMI lines. Sorting and packaging of finished products is performed automatically on two new lines of SYSTEM company. Pallet packaging is performed with a heat-resistant weatherproof film in an automatic packaging line. All the pallets are transported by robots. The plant uses a waste-free water purification system. Among the first enterprises in Russia to implement a new technology for ceramic tiles decoration, digital printing in production.

Sales area: Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Kazakhstan.
Russia, Leningrad Region, Lomonosovsky district, Gorelovo, Volkhonskoe highway, 4
+7 (812) 324-60-59, office@keramir.com
Export products
  • Glazed ceramic tile decorated for interior wall lining
  • Ornamented ceramic tiles for floors

start of manufacturing
420 employees

enterprise staff amount
3.4 million sq.m

production capacity of the enterprise
Wasteless system

of water purification and environmentally friendly production
General information